Browsing Category


  • VotW 09: Rob Carter’s Metropolis

    A special thanks to Brand Avenue for turning us on to this unique video of the chronological transformation of the city of Charlotte, North…

  • Top 10 Urbanism Blogs

    It is the beginning of 2008 and thus, time to review a few of our favorite sites as featured in our sidebars. Our first…

  • Stewart Brand Speaks At TED

    Here is the description of the edited speech given by Brand from the TED website: “Rural villages worldwide are being deserted, as billions of…

  • Kathryn McCamant On Dwell

    Dwell magazine has launched a new series of videos on various topics that includes a collection of videos from various designers. The first in…

  • How To Hide An Airplane Factory

    This arrived in our inbox today and is worth sharing with our readers. Nothing quite like a bit of trompe l’oeil to create instant…

  • The Power Of Place

    Recently we ran across this short article published by the University of Cincinnati regarding their overall master plan and architectural facilities. Starting in 1989…

  • James Kunstler Speaks At TED

    Here is the description for the lecture given by Kunstler from the TED website:“In James Howard Kunstler‘s view, public spaces should be inspired centers…