“Despite a love and fascination for Rome dating to his days as an architecture student, David Macaulay found the path to his book Rome Antics took some unusual (and frustrating) turns. Through failed pop-up designs, scribbled out title possibilities, surreal sketchbook pages (think “Piranesi meets Escher”), and rambling story lines, Macaulay details each step of his winding journey towards completion of his illustrated homage to the city.”
For those of you unfamiliar with his work, Macaulay is in outstanding illustrator that has released many visually descriptive books showing methods of construction. Some of his many titles include: “Cathedral“, “City”, “Pyramid”, “Castle”, “Mill” and “Mosque“. He also has produced an intricate illustrated book that showed the inner workings of a city entitled, “Underground“.
David Macaulay Wiki
Official David Macaulay Site