Boston City Hall | Boston, MA | USA – KMW Architecturesubmitted via flickr: Ron Perry Feature your photographs here: + join our flickr pool…
Ray & Maria Stata Center | Cambridge, MA | USA – Frank Gehrysubmitted via flickr: Gimo Nasiff Feature your photographs here: + join our…
Edward M. Kennedy Institute | Boston, MA | USA – Rafael Viñolysubmitted via flickr: Ron Perry Feature your photographs here: + join our flickr…
Institute of Contemporary Art | Boston, MA | USA – Diller Scofidio + Renfrosubmitted via flickr: Ron Perry Feature your photographs here:+ join our…
Community Boathouse, Boston, Massachusetts, USA – Anmahian Winton Architectsvia flickr: Chris Devers Feature your photographs here:+ join our flickr pool…
ICA, Boston, Massachusetts – Diller Scofidio Renfrovia flickr: ryan_d_cole ecAr would love to feature your photos on our site. If you would like to…
Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Massachusetts, USA – Diller Scofidio + Renfrovia flickr: Alternateword’s…
An Example of Sustainable Architecture by Simple Speed Design from Cambridge, MAInteresting sustainable architectural solution for reuse of materials involved in Boston’s “Big Dig”.…