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  • Posta Aerea 10

    So it is 2014, where has the time gone? As I reflect back on the previous year and plan towards the current one I…

  • Posta Aerea 09

    So where have we been? Frequent visitors may have noticed the lapse in posts as of late. Well a lot is going on in…

  • Posta Aerea 08

    We are sifting through the virtual mailbag again and would like to share a few newsworthy items with our readers. So without further ado…

  • Posta Aerea 07

    It is that time of the year again. Time to share with our readers several recent emails which all seem to have a very…

  • OMA Landmark Jeopardized By Fire

    Reuters Image The future Mandarin Oriental Hotel as photographed during the fire that consumed it this evening. Apparently, the OMA/Koolhaas CCTV tower has sustained…

  • Young Architects Poll

    After the success of our earlier Green Architecture Poll, we asked our readers to select which so called, “Young Architect” they would choose. The…

  • Our Fave 20 Design Blogs

    Earlier this year we set out to promote our favorite Top 10 Urbanism Blogs that we feature in our sidebars. In the spirit of…

  • Posta Aerea 06

    Please forgive our lack of posts. Our editor has been on vacation and is studying and taking the Architects Registration Exam (A.R.E.). A subject…

  • Another European Arch Landmark Ablaze

    photo by Hannibal Hanschke/Reuters Less than one week after a devastating fire engulfed the TU-Delft Architecture School, we have learned of yet another blaze.…